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  • inSTEM Blog

Demystifying Engineering Apprenticeships with Frida Risper

Frida Risper is a mechanical engineer, founder and STEM Ambassador. She represents one of the most visible STEM role models who opted for a non-traditional route to obtaining a degree engineering. In this interview, we chat about how she discovered that the apprenticeship route was the right one for her, as well as the benefits and misconceptions

Frida’s journey into an apprenticeship starts with encouragement from a teacher who

believed in her potential as a future engineer. Amongst the applications to universities, she

took the leap to apply to the Rolls Royce engineering apprenticeship and with the help of her

support systems, she was able to get through rigorous application process.

She talks about the structure of an apprenticeship which includes working full-time whilst

studying part-time for a degree. Throughout the discussion, Frida highlights the key benefits

of an apprenticeship including; debt-free education, recognised qualifications, industry-

specific work experience and increased future earnings.

Currently, she is working as a manufacturing engineering manager and also promoting her

social enterprise, Edu-Cater, which has currently been launched within two continents;

Europe and Africa. Edu-Cater aims to bridge the gap between the STEM education and

industry. Further aims include increasing awareness to the vast possibilities within STEM

whilst also aiming to bring some more colour into Apprenticeships and STEM at large.

To watch the full interview, click on the video below:

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Summary by Piriye Whyte


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