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My Fortuitous Journey into Civil Engineering - Meet Award-Winning Mimi Nwosu

Updated: Aug 15, 2022

Mimi Nwosu is a multi-award-winning engineer from the University of Portsmouth who was recently named as one of the ‘Top 50 women in Engineering 2021’, Mimi is passionate about sustainable construction materials, especially concrete and is currently gaining skills in onsite construction management. She has recently branched into television, where she has collaborated with TV networks to promote a career in engineering and construction as well as appearing in factual TV. In this interview, we discuss how a moment of fate led her to discovering civil engineering, her experience as a young black female engineer and the keys to her success.

The blessing of pivoting.

Don’t be afraid to pivot, don’t be afraid to ask and don’t be afraid to listen"– Mimi Nwosu

Humans are unique yet ever-changing. This can be seen in the convoluted paths humans

sometimes take to reach their life purpose and at times even their concept of a life purpose

may change along the way.

Mimi Nwosu started her university journey towards medicine but a moment of fate and a

passionate lecturer led to her realising her passion for Civil Engineering. From thereon, she led a

trailblazing path as a female in a low diversity -both gender and ethnic- Civil Engineering

industry and has won multiple awards.

In the interview she details the importance of mentorship in helping her to decide her long

term career path and how much support of senior colleagues, her alma mater as well as her

former lecturers helped her navigate her way to becoming her current self. Additionally, she

highlights the importance of owning achievements and how this is often misconstrued for

arrogance. Owning her passion, achievements and even documenting her journey within the

civil engineering field were all important blocks in building her confidence.

To watch the full interview, click on the video below:

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Summary by Piriye Whyte


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