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Turning my Final Year Project into an Innovative Venture - Meet Naomi McGregor, CEO Movetru

Updated: Jan 17, 2022

Naomi McGregor is the CEO of Movetru, a multi-award winning technology startup combining arts and science to revolutionise rehabilitation. A graduate of Product Design Engineering from Queens University Belfast, Naomi is also a STEM ambassador and a voice for women in STEM. In this interview, we discuss how her passion for ballet and technology led her to starting Movetru, the resources she's used to take her idea from a university project into a business and how she's navigating the territory of entrepreneurship as a solo female founder.

It all began with a life-changing injury. At fourteen years of age, Naomi sustained an injury which put a halt to her ballet career. The following years were filled with disappointment as she met with multiple specialists in order to diagnose her injury. This experience sparked a question for Naomi, which she took the opportunity to start to answer as her master’s dissertation; Can injuries be analysed and recovered from faster?

Thus begins the journey of passionate perseverance towards creating an efficient and affordable answer to the pre-defined problem. Throughout her journey, she artfully handles rejection as a Solo Female founder of Movetru in a male dominated industry whilst continually building confidence in herself and her business.

To learn more about Movetru and the key steps Naomi has taken to develop what started off as a university project into an award winning venture, click on the video below.

Some useful resources for funding:

Twitter: It is a very quick and easy way to find out about grants and competitions to get funding for your business.

The Royal Academy of Engineering's Enterprise Hub: Aimed at aspiring Engineering & Technology entrepreneurs, the RAEng's enterprise hub offers funding (up to £60,000 equity free), training, mentoring, networking etc to help turn your ideas into reality.

Connect with Naomi :

Follow Movetru:

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Summary by: Piriye Whyte


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